One of the most important things a pet owner can do for their furry friend is to get them pet insurance. In fact, veterinarians frequently recommend pet insurance as a cornerstone of your pet’s health.
While many dog owners enjoy being the sole carer for their pet, there are times when a helping hand is needed. Vacations, travel for work, and even longer days at the office all require finding someone to look after your dog while you’re away, and it’s good to know the different options available and the costs involved.
Knowing all the requirements for traveling with your pet can prepare you for any issues along your way, and being aware of how much traveling with your pet costs is an important part of planning your trip.
The cost of using an online vet depends on whether you use a text-only service, phone consultation service, or a video chat service. Many online providers now offer subscriptions and rolling plans, which can lower your pet’s long-term health care costs.
An X-ray is an important imaging tool used to diagnose common injuries and diseases not only in humans but also in pets. A variety of factors affect the cost of x-raying your pet, including how many images are needed to properly diagnose their condition.
In recent decades, the industry of veterinary medicine has made great technological advances. One of the most exciting and interesting advances is DNA testing...
Dental procedures such as tooth extractions and dental surgery can be expensive but are necessary to treat issues like periodontal disease and broken jaws in cats.
Dental procedures such as tooth extractions and surgeries on the mouth and jaw are common for dogs. These procedures can be expensive, so it’s important for dog owners to have a plan in place to cover emergency vet bills.
When it comes to keeping your dogs healthy and looking immaculate, consistent grooming is the best way forward. Given how frequently most dogs require grooming, many pet owners are keen to know how much regular visits to the groomer can set them back.
Many pet parents microchip their pets because it’s a cost-effective and easy way to keep them even safer. Generally speaking, the cost of microchipping is relatively low and can save you significant stress should you ever be separated from your pet.
Pet insurance plans usually do not cover dental care, requiring dog owners to get dental insurance separately. Learn whether dental insurance is right for your dog.
A pet insurance policy is a great way to help with high vet bills in the case of an accidental injury or major illness. However, most basic pet insurance plans do not cover the cost of dental illnesses or injuries that can commonly occur in cats.
Dental disorders, such as periodontal disease, are common in pet dogs. These dental issues can lead not only to bad breath and unsightly teeth but also serious health consequences as well.
Dental cleanings are important to both treat and prevent dental disease in cats. Receiving routine cleanings can lower the overall cost of dental care.
Instead of developing cavities, the most common form of tooth decay in cats is called tooth resorption. Resorptive lesions may be difficult to spot but can look like a cavity in some cases...
Dental care is an important part of taking care of our feline friends. A buildup of plaque and tartar on your cat’s teeth can lead to periodontal disease, which can cause severe symptoms and health concerns when left untreated...
Cavities are rare in dogs, but most dogs develop dental disease in their lifetime. Good dental care can prevent periodontal disease and cavities in dogs.
Bad breath in dogs is a sign of dental disease caused by poor oral hygiene. Daily brushing is best at preventing plaque buildup and is necessary for a dog’s health.
Seasonal allergies in dogs cause unpleasant itchy skin and other allergy symptoms. These symptoms can be prevented with the proper precautions.
Seasonal allergies often flare up in both cats and people in the spring, when environmental allergens become more abundant. The intense itchiness caused by spring allergies is uncomfortable for cats and can lead to secondary skin and ear infections...
Excessive shedding in the spring is common for cats. Shedding is needed for a healthy coat, but some medical conditions can lead to abnormal hair loss.
Dry skin and dandruff are often overlooked by pet parents as these concerns are rarely of great concern in human health. In fact, flaky skin and dandruff are often signs of an underlying medical concern in cats. Even mild dandruff or flakes in the fur might warrant a review with a veterinarian.
Dandruff and dry skin in dogs can be difficult to treat because there are so many potential causes. If you’re concerned about your dog’s dry, flaky skin, read on to learn:
Determining a dog’s ideal weight is important to avoid obesity or unwanted weight loss in their lifetime. A dog’s healthy weight changes as puppies grow and adult dogs move into their senior years.
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