How much does cat dental insurance cost?

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How much does cat dental insurance cost? - A cat in a vet's office, having their teeth inspected by a vet

A pet insurance policy is a great way to help with high vet bills in the case of an accidental injury or major illness. However, most basic pet insurance plans do not cover the cost of dental illnesses or injuries that can commonly occur in cats. Read on if you have ever wondered::

  • What is pet insurance and how does it work?
  • How much does cat dental insurance cost?
  • What dental care does insurance cover?
  • Is cat dental insurance worth it?

Cat dental insurance can be a very useful tool, as dental disease in cats is very common and can result in high vet bills. However, dental insurance typically does not cover routine dental cleanings, preexisting conditions that are diagnosed before the plan is purchased, or preventable diseases such as periodontal disease. It’s important for cat owners to read the coverage closely and determine for themselves if insurance is right for their pet.

What is a pet insurance policy?

Pet insurance has some similarities to human health insurance in the United States, but there are some major differences that can be confusing for some pet owners. In a pet insurance plan, owners pay a monthly premium and are covered for certain types of medical care for their pets. Different pet insurance plans cover different types of care, so it is important to read the coverage closely before purchasing a plan. In addition, preexisting conditions are not usually covered and wellness care, such as vaccines and parasite prevention, may not be covered in basic plans. The biggest difference between human health insurance plans and pet insurance plans is that owners typically pay the cost of the treatment up front at their vet’s office and are reimbursed by the pet insurance provider later. Cat owners are not restricted to visiting only certain veterinarians based on their insurance, and preauthorizations are not required to see specialists.

Does pet insurance coverage include cat dental care?

Usually, dental coverage for cats is an additional cost to basic pet insurance policies. Some dental accidents or injuries, such as broken teeth, may be covered in a basic plan. Expanded plans that cover wellness care may include reimbursement for routine cleanings. However, most dental illnesses are only covered with additional dental coverage. Read the coverage closely to determine what dental care is covered by the plan.

How much do cat dental insurance plans cost?

Cat dental insurance is often less expensive than canine plans at an average cost of $32 USD a month for both injury and illness coverage. This cost is in addition to general accident and illness insurance plans that cost between $10 and $35 on average. Depending on which policy an owner chooses, prices can range from $25 to over $70 a month for cats based on the overall coverage and where the owner lives. Veterinarians in large metropolitan areas often cost more than rural vets due to a higher cost of living, so pet insurance costs in major cities may also be higher. The cat’s breed may also influence the cost of insurance.

What influences the cost of cat dental insurance?

There are many variables that can affect the overall cost of a dental insurance plan. These can include:

  • Coverage type (accident, illness, wellness, or a combination)
  • Out-of-pocket deductible
  • Reimbursement levels after the deductible is met
  • Annual limit-of-care costs
  • The cat’s age
  • The breed of the cat
  • The local cost of veterinary care
  • Various discounts that may be offered by the pet insurance company

Plans that also cover dental wellness care cost more than those that only cover illnesses or accidents. In addition, lower annual deductibles, high annual limits, and high reimbursement percentages can result in a higher monthly cost. Plans with unlimited coverage are usually the most expensive. Finally, some pet insurance companies offer discounts for military members, families who insure multiple pets, or bundling with other types of insurance.

What does feline dental insurance cover?

Dental plans vary in coverage, so it is important to closely read what is covered. Dental accidents and illnesses that are covered typically include:

Most plans do not cover routine teeth cleanings, dental exams, preventive care, or dental care products such as toothbrushes, dental food, and other dental products. Some plans may cover dental cleanings if they are listed as a dental treatment rather than routine care. Getting coverage for dental cleaning costs, extractions, and gum disease treatments can be very tricky. Most insurers deny coverage for gum disease treatments if they determine the condition was preexisting or preventable through routine care — which it almost always is.

Many dental insurance plans for cats require annual vet visits in order for teeth cleanings and exams to be eligible for coverage. If an owner is suspected of skipping these out-of-pocket expenses for routine dental care, their pet’s dental illness coverage may be suspended or their resulting dental treatment may not be covered. In addition, most plans do not cover:

  • Cosmetic procedures
  • Endodontic treatments
  • Orthodontic services
  • Preexisting conditions

If a cat is diagnosed with a dental problem before the insurance plan starts, that dental problem may not be covered, even if it is a condition that is included in their plan. This means that, once detected, periodontal disease or tooth resorptive lesions, which are the two most common cat dental issues, cannot be covered by dental insurance as they are considered preexisting conditions. In addition, most plans have a waiting period after the plan has been purchased before coverage is offered.

Is dental insurance worth it for my cat?

Feline dental insurance can be worth it when it is obtained before dental issues occur. Over 85% of cats develop some kind of dental disease before the age of two, so it’s important to get coverage before your cat’s dental issues are considered a preexisting condition. “Gum disease, tooth resorption, and stomatitis are common in cats and can be costly to treat,” explains Dr. Jo Myers. “While gum disease is considered preventable and may not be covered, tooth resorption and stomatitis cannot be prevented and are usually covered by a plan with dental illness coverage.”

Dental plans can save you thousands of dollars in vet bills when acquired early, but it may not be worth purchasing a plan if a cat has already developed dental problems or needs procedures that aren’t covered. In these cases, outside monetary coverage such as a savings account, credit card, or Care Credit may be more beneficial. Most clinics typically do not have in-house payment plans. Some owners with cats that have preexisting conditions or health issues that are not covered by dental insurance find that putting the cost of a monthly premium aside in a savings account benefits them more than an insurance plan. You can talk to an online vet about your cat’s dental health history and learn whether dental coverage can benefit your cat.

FAQ - How much does cat dental insurance cost?

How much does dental insurance cost for my cat?

The average monthly cost of cat dental insurance is around $32 USD, but the cost may range from $25 to over $70 depending on the coverage. This is in addition to the monthly cost of non-dental accident, wellness, and illness plans. Still, in some cases dental insurance can save pet parents thousands of dollars on dental procedures.

Does pet insurance cover cat tooth extractions?

Some pet insurance plans cover extractions due to dental injuries such as a fractured tooth, but it is important to read the coverage closely. If you want coverage specifically for dental conditions, you may need to pay an additional premium.

Does pet insurance cover dental cleanings?

Pet dental insurance usually does not cover the cost of routine dental cleanings and often requires a yearly dental health checkup and cleaning to remain insured. Some wellness plans may cover some of the cost of dental cleanings.

Is feline periodontal disease a preexisting condition?

Periodontal disease and other dental conditions are considered preexisting conditions if they are diagnosed before the start of the insurance coverage or within a specified waiting period after the policy goes into effect. In addition, periodontal disease is considered a preventable illness, so many pet dental insurance policies do not cover it.