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CONDITION DOG Facial Nerve Paralysis in Dogs

Facial nerve paralysis describes the inability of a dog to move the muscles in its face because of a dysfunction in the nerves. This appears as ‘droopiness’ or sagging of the facial muscles, lips, ears, and eyelids.

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Fading Puppy Syndrome (Failure to thrive) in Dogs

Fading puppy syndrome, sometimes called failure to thrive, refers to the death of apparently normal puppies within the first two weeks of life. The syndrome has many potential causes, but often the cause of the demise is unknown.

· 5 min read
CONDITION DOG False Pregnancy in Female Dogs

False pregnancy is a very common condition where female dogs produce hormones which prepare them for pregnancy, regardless of whether they actually mate.

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Fanconi Syndrome in Dogs

Fanconi syndrome in dogs describes a specific kidney dysfunction resulting from failure of the tubules to reabsorb glucose, bicarbonate, and other nutrients, causing them to be flushed out with the urine.

· 6 min read
CONDITION DOG Fatty Liver Disease (Hepatic Lipidosis) in Dogs

Fatty liver disease in dogs, also known as hepatic lipidosis, is an uncommon condition typically caused by lack of calorie intake. Fat stores in the body are released to make up for lack of calories taken in, which leads to an accumulation of fat in the liver.

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Fatty Tissue Tumors (Lipomas) in Dogs

Tumors can develop in dogs’ fatty tissue, forming a lipoma or liposarcoma. These tumors arise from fat cells replicating faster than normal, forming soft lumps under the skin that can grow to substantial size.

· 5 min read
CONDITION DOG Fibrosarcomas in Dogs

Fibrosarcomas in dogs are common malignant tumors that develop on or beneath the skin.

· 6 min read
CONDITION DOG Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) in Dogs

A flea allergy, or flea allergy dermatitis, is an inflammatory response to flea bites,

· 6 min read
CONDITION DOG Flea and Tick Medication Poisoning (Pyrethroid Toxicosis) in Dogs

Poisoning as a result of exposure to flea and tick products is one of the most common types of poisoning in dogs. Symptoms of poisoning from flea and tick medication range from drooling,

· 6 min read
CONDITION DOG Flea Infestation and Flea Prevention in Dogs

Fleas are parasitic insects: they live on the skin and eat the blood of their hosts.

· 8 min read
CONDITION DOG Food Allergies in Dogs

Food allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to an ingested protein.

· 6 min read
CONDITION DOG Frostbite in Dogs

Frostbite occurs when parts of the body freeze after prolonged exposure to cold temperatures. Severe cases cause death or damage to affected tissues in dogs. 

· 6 min read
CONDITION DOG Fungal Disease (Sporotrichosis) of the Skin in Dogs

Sporotrichosis, also known as rose gardener's disease, is a contagious, potentially fatal, zoonotic fungal infection in dogs caused by *Sporothrix schenckii*, a fungus found in soil and plant material worldwide.

· 5 min read
CONDITION DOG Fungal Infection (Aspergillosis) in Dogs

Aspergillosis is infection with the fungal organism Aspergillus spp. in dogs. Aspergillus is found world-wide in soil, and does not usually cause disease. In some dogs, especially immunocompromised individuals, eating or inhaling the fungal spores of Aspergillus causes infection,

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Fungal Infection (Blastomycosis) in Dogs

Blastomycosis in dogs is a systemic infection caused by the fungal organism Blastomyces dermatitidis. This fungus is found in contaminated soil across North America, frequently near water.

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Fungal Infection (Cryptococcosis) in Dogs

Cryptococcosis is a fungal infection in dogs caused by fungus from the  Cryptococcus genus. Exposure usually occurs through ingestion or inhalation of fungal spores found in soil or avian droppings.

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Fungal Infection (Histoplasmosis) in Dogs

Histoplasmosis is an infection acquired from soil contaminated with Histoplasma capsulatum fungus, usually originating from bat or bird droppings. 

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Fungal Infection of the Skin (Malassezia dermatitis) in Dogs

Malassezia dermatitis is a skin inflammation caused by the fungus Malassezia pachydermatis. This fungus typically lives on dog’s skin without causing any harm. 

· 4 min read