What to do if your cat is walking sideways

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What to do if your cat is walking sideways - A picture of an orange cat standing in a field

Disclaimer: This article, its content, and its related references do not constitute veterinary advice and should not be considered a substitute for veterinary care. If your pet is showing any symptoms that could indicate a medical emergency, please seek immediate emergency care.

Cats may walk sideways for a number of reasons, some of which are associated with medical problems. The appearance of a cat walking sideways can vary. The cat may appear uncoordinated or wobbly, or they may be hopping; the behavior may also be accompanied by an arched back. It’s important to seek veterinary care any time a cat’s normal walk or gait has changed. If you have a cat, read on to learn:

  • What a sideways gait may look like in cats
  • Potential causes of a cat walking sideways
  • How a sideways gait is diagnosed and treated by a vet
  • What to do if your cat is walking sideways

Talk to a veterinarian if you’re uncertain if your cat could be walking sideways due to medical concerns. Seek emergency treatment if the sideways walking is accompanied by other clinical signs, such as incoordination, circling, a head tilt, an inability to stand, labored breathing, lethargy, or pale gums. An inability to walk normally in any way may be caused by neurologic conditions, such as vestibular disease, underlying metabolic disease, inner or middle ear infections, toxins, traumatic injury, or infectious disease. Treatment options vary depending on the diagnosis and may involve medication, toxicity treatment, surgery, and supportive care.

What does a cat walking sideways look like?

A cat walking sideways may have various appearances, depending on what the underlying cause is. If a cat is walking sideways due to a medical issue, it’s more likely to look like:

Noting the appearance of a cat’s walk is important for the diagnostic process with a veterinarian. You should also take note of:

  • If the change started suddenly or gradually
  • If the altered gait is constant or intermittent
  • Other behavioral or physical changes the cat may be showing

A sudden difficulty in walking or standing normally is considered a medical emergency. In these cases, the cat will often have other signs of illness.

Common symptoms associated with a cat walking sideways

If a cat is walking sideways due to a health issue, other symptoms may be present, such as:

Additional clinical signs vary depending on what’s causing the abnormal gait. The severity of symptoms may also vary depending on the underlying cause and how severe the health condition is.

Reasons why a cat may be walking sideways

There are a wide variety of reasons why a cat may walk sideways, ranging from normal behavior to serious underlying conditions. A kitten may be born with an uncoordinated, sideways gait in cases of certain infections or congenital conditions. Other conditions may be acquired and develop at any life stage.

Playful behavior or aggression

Cats use body language to communicate. While there are common body postures across all cats, each cat is a unique individual, and playful or aggressive behavior may vary.

Cats may stand or jump sideways with an arched back during play or as a sign of aggression to make themselves appear larger and more intimidating. Additional signs of aggression in cats include:

  • Hair standing up
  • Hissing or growling
  • Ears flattened to the head
  • Stiff, straight legs
  • Swatting or striking with the paws

The same posture can also be used when playing with each other or with people. During play, cats may also:

  • Stalk their playmate
  • Jump out at their playmate
  • Playfully bat or swat at their playmate

It’s important for cat owners to understand the difference between play and aggression in their pets. If a sideways gait is part of playful or aggressive behavior, it’s temporary and will not have additional signs of illness. As you watch your cat and get to know their behavior, you can form your own opinions as to why your healthy cat sometimes walks sideways.

Vestibular disease

Vestibular disease, or vestibular syndrome, is a neurologic condition that affects the nerves controlling a cat’s balance and coordination. It’s a condition that can be caused by a variety of health issues. Cats with vestibular disease have difficulty walking in a straight line, and other signs include:

Vestibular disease usually occurs suddenly and may be due to:

  • Middle or inner ear infection
  • Ear, nose, or throat polyps or tumors
  • Adverse drug reaction

Most cases of vestibular disease in cats are idiopathic, meaning there’s no identifiable cause for the symptoms. However, it’s important for a veterinarian to assess the situation to determine if there’s a more serious medical condition causing the neurologic symptoms. There’s no specific diagnostic test for vestibular disease, so it’s important to rule out other possible causes of the symptoms.

“Most cases of idiopathic vestibular disease are temporary and self-limiting, despite potentially alarming symptoms,” states Dr. Jamie Lecky, a veterinarian on the Vetster platform. “Some cases of vestibular disease can be due to serious and potentially life-threatening conditions, so it is important to seek immediate veterinary care.”

Ingestion of toxins

Exposure to various toxins can affect the neurologic system, leading to loss of coordination and inability to walk in a straight line. Toxins that can cause neurologic symptoms include:

Cats who have been exposed to or ingested something toxic or poisonous may have additional symptoms, such as vomiting, lethargy, or diarrhea. It’s important for pet parents to keep plants, medications, and other toxins out of reach of cats. Seek veterinary help right away if your cat may have been exposed to something dangerous, even if they’re not showing symptoms.

Other medical conditions

Various health issues can affect a cat’s middle or inner ears, vestibular system, or overall nervous system, leading to sideways or uncoordinated movements. These include:

These conditions range in severity and may have additional symptoms.

How the cause of irregular walking in cats is diagnosed and treated

When a cat presents with an inability to walk normally, the diagnostic process may involve:

  • Thorough patient history
  • Physical exam, including looking in the ears
  • Ear swab for microscopic examination
  • Neurologic exam
  • Blood tests, including testing for infectious diseases
  • Urinalysis
  • Advanced imaging, such as MRIs or CT scans
  • Spinal tap

Treatment options depend on the diagnosis. Some conditions may not require medical treatment, but a veterinarian may offer advice on supportive care at home. For conditions that do require medical management, a treatment plan may include:

  • Symptomatic care
  • Oral antibiotics or anti-inflammatories
  • Toxicity treatment
  • Treatment for infectious disease
  • Surgery
  • Palliative care

Different conditions require different treatment methods, so it’s important to get an accurate diagnosis from a veterinarian.

Is walking sideways an emergency?

Temporarily walking or hopping sideways while playing is not an emergency. However, walking sideways for an extended period or accompanied by other symptoms may indicate an emergency.

Seek emergency care if a cat is walking abnormally and has:

It’s important to seek immediate veterinary care for any of these symptoms. Prompt veterinary attention is recommended for changes in gait or coordination, even if no other symptoms are apparent. If your cat is walking abnormally, an online virtual care appointment is a great way to consult with a veterinarian for an expert opinion on what to do next.

What to do if your cat is walking abnormally

Talk to a vet promptly if your cat is walking abnormally, and seek emergency care if they’re exhibiting signs of incoordination, loss of balance, or other signs of illness or injury. Immediate veterinary attention is warranted if a cat may have been exposed to a toxin, even if they’re not showing symptoms.

FAQ - What to do if your cat is walking sideways

What does it mean when a cat can’t walk straight?

There are multiple reasons why a cat may walk abnormally, including in circles or sideways. Conditions such as vestibular disease, ear infections, toxin exposure, and other medical issues can lead to an inability to walk straight. It’s important to seek veterinary care if your cat is walking abnormally or having neurologic symptoms.

What should I do if my cat is suddenly walking sideways?

Emergency vet care is warranted if a cat is suddenly walking sideways. Various neurologic conditions can affect a cat’s balance and coordination. Some of these health issues can be life-threatening. It’s impossible to know what’s affecting a cat’s gait without diagnostic testing by a veterinarian.

What should I do if my cat is wobbly?

Incoordination, loss of balance, and other neurologic symptoms warrant veterinary care. Cats can have  these symptoms due to congenital conditions, infectious diseases, neurologic conditions, and a variety of other health issues.