Becoming a pet parent is a big responsibility, and if you’ve never owned a dog before — or even if you have and it’s been a while! — you likely have many questions when it comes to ensuring your puppy feels happy, safe, and comfortable in their new space.
The Vetster Editorial Team
59 min read
Eyelid masses are very common in dogs and are usually benign tumors or cysts. However, testing is needed to know for sure and to determine how to treat them.
11 min read
Eye infections are common in dogs and can cause uncomfortable symptoms due to inflammation. Other eye conditions have similar symptoms, so it’s important to talk to a vet.
17 min read
Abnormal squinting in cats can be a sign of eye infection, injury, disease, or another eye issue. It’s important to seek veterinary care if your cat is squinting abnormally.
10 min read
Conjunctivitis in cats is very common and most often caused by contagious respiratory infections. Recognize the clinical signs in order to get appropriate care.
Becoming a pet parent is a big responsibility, and if you’ve never owned a cat before – or even if you have and it’s been a while– you likely have many questions when it comes to ensuring your kitten feels happy, safe, and comfortable in their new space.
38 min read
Eye infections in cats are very common and often caused by bacterial infections or viral upper respiratory infections, or occur secondary to eye injuries.
16 min read
Bladder stones in dogs are common and often occur alongside a urinary tract infection. Some stones may not need treatment but must be diagnosed by a vet.
Watery eyes in cats are commonly caused by respiratory infections, eye infections, or conditions that affect the tear ducts. Vet attention is highly recommended.
The side eye facial expression is a comical look to dog owners but can be a body language cue that pet dogs are using.
7 min read
A raised third eyelid indicates a cat has a health issue that needs attention, even if there are no other symptoms. Many issues can lead to a raised third eyelid.
12 min read
Urinary tract infections in puppies can be painful and mimic other health issues. It’s important to talk to a vet for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.
Urinary incontinence in dogs is a common symptom with many causes. To treat urine leakage, an accurate diagnosis is needed from a veterinarian.
Canine insulinoma is a rare but serious disease that causes severe clinical signs due to excessive insulin in the body.
Vet-recommended flea prevention for dogs helps prevent flea infestations and health issues from fleabites, such as disease and flea allergy dermatitis.
14 min read
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