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Dog diarrhea and vomiting

Read our curated health and wellness articles about pets to help keep your loved ones healthy!
CONDITION DOG Blue-Green Algae Poisoning in Dogs

Cyanobacteria, commonly known as blue-green algae, are a group of bacteria that produce a toxin that is often lethal to dogs when consumed. Cyanobacteria proliferate and form blooms when temperatures rise or when levels of nitrogen in the water exceed normal levels, and dogs are exposed when they swim or drink.

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Salmon Poisoning Disease in Dogs

Salmon poisoning disease (SPD) is a potentially life-threatening infectious disease that affects dogs and other members of the canine species. SPD is transmitted by a parasitic flatworm found in raw fish that is commonly infected with the Neorickettsia helminthoeca bacteria

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Stomach Infection with Helicobacter in Dogs

Helicobacter is a type of bacteria that can cause stomach infections in dogs. The precise pathogenic nature of the infection is currently unknown, and the presence of Helicobacter bacteria in the animal's stomach is not definitely linked to gastrointestinal symptoms

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency (EPI) in Dogs

Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency (EPI) is a condition where the pancreas fails to produce sufficient enzymes for food digestion. EPI results from a lack of the pancreatic cells that are responsible for releasing digestive enzymes.

· 3 min read
CONDITION DOG Salmonella Poisoning in Dogs

Salmonella poisoning in dogs is caused by infection of Salmonella bacteria, which is usually ingested through contaminated food or water. Dogs tend to show no symptoms of salmonella infection, despite shedding the bacteria in their feces and contaminating the environment.

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Toxoplasmosis in Dogs

Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic infection that can affect dogs and other mammals, including humans. It is caused by the protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii. The parasite can be found in raw meat, contaminated soil, and cat feces.

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Tapeworms in Dogs

Tapeworms or *Cestoda*are a class of flat intestinal parasites commonly found in dogs. Dipylidium caninum is the most common species of tapeworm found in dogs and transmission occurs as a result of ingesting infected fleas.

· 6 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Regurgitation in Dogs

Regurgitation is the passive expulsion of matter from the mouth, upper throat (pharynx), or esophagus. In dogs, the expelled matter often takes the appearance of chewed food combined with a little saliva or mucus. It can also be tube-like in shape. 

· 3 min read
CONDITION DOG Parasitic Diarrhea (Giardiasis) in Dogs

Giardiasis is an infection caused in dogs by species of Giardia, a microscopic protozoan parasite. Giardia pass in host fecal matter and contaminate dirt, water, fur, and other surfaces, allowing for infection of dogs in contact with contaminated environments

· 3 min read
CONDITION DOG Roundworms in Dogs

Roundworms are a common type of intestinal parasite in dogs, acquired from consumption or contact with contaminated soil or prey species. Pets are often asymptomatic but when present symptoms include coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, or a swollen belly, and sometimes worms are visible in the feces.

· 5 min read
CONDITION DOG Hookworms in Dogs

Hookworm disease describes infection with Ancylostoma or Uncinaria parasites. Hookworms are intestinal parasites and symptoms vary depending on the different species, age of onset, and severity of the worm burden.

· 4 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Bowel Incontinence in Dogs

Canine bowel incontinence is the inability to control defecation. Incontinence is distinct from inappropriate elimination or house-soiling, in that the bowel movements occur without the dog’s awareness.

· 3 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Mucus in the Stool in Dogs

Mucus in the stool is a viscous substance that lubricates feces to pass through the intestinal tract. A large quantity or frequent recurrence of mucus in the stool is uncommon for dogs warranting non urgent veterinary investigation.

· 3 min read
CONDITION DOG Whipworms in Dogs

Whipworm (Trichuris vulpis) is a parasitic intestinal worm of dogs. Whipworms live embedded in the lining of the large intestine. The worms are transmitted between hosts via ingestion of eggs passed in the feces, which can live -and continue to be contagious- in soil for years.

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Stomach and Intestinal (Peptic) Ulcers in Dogs

Peptic ulcers are open, painful sores inside the lining of the digestive tract. Severe ulcers can perforate the stomach, leading to life threatening sepsis or peritonitis.

· 5 min read
CONDITION DOG Bile Duct Obstruction and Related Diseases (Cholestasis) in Dogs

Bile duct obstruction, or cholestasis, is when bile stops following through the biliary system in or around the liver. The biliary tract is a system which aids digestion of fat, neutralizes stomach acid, and helps with metabolism.

· 3 min read
CONDITION DOG Megaesophagus in Dogs

Megaesophagus is a condition in which the esophagus is abnormally dilated (stretched) and lacks the muscle tone needed to move food into the stomach. Dogs may be affected from birth (congenital), or acquire the disorder later in life.

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Liver Tumors and Cancers in Dogs

Tumors of the liver describe cancerous growths of the liver, bile ducts, and gallbladder. Dogs with liver tumors often show no symptoms, and diagnosis often occurs while performing tests for other conditions.

· 5 min read
CONDITION DOG Parvovirus in Dogs

Canine Parvovirus (CPV) is a life threatening viral infection of the gastrointestinal system in dogs. It primarily affects dogs under 2 years old but is most common in puppies between 3-8 months old.

· 5 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Constipation and Straining to Defecate in Dogs

Constipation is characterized by difficulty defecating with the resulting feces being dry and hard. This symptom is slightly different from tenesmus, which is straining to defecate with an empty or irritated colon, however both of these symptoms appear similarly to pet owners

· 5 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Bloody Stool (Melena and Hematochezia) in Dogs

Bloody stool describes the presence of blood in feces and includes digested blood (melena) or undigested blood (hematochezia). Bloody stool is a non-specific symptom triggered by many conditions such as mild, dietary-induced colitis to emergency conditions such as parvovirus infection, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, or bleeding disorders

· 3 min read
CONDITION DOG Bile Duct Inflammation (Cholangitis) in Dogs

Canine cholangitis is a rare inflammation that affects the liver, bile ducts, and gallbladder. The most common cause of cholangitis is an infection that ascends from the intestinal tract to the liver

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Colitis in Dogs

Colitis refers to inflammation of the colon, which typically causes diarrhea, increased bowel movements, and increased urgency to defecate.

· 6 min read
CONDITION DOG Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Chronic Enteropathies) in Dogs

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a term used for a group of inflammatory gastrointestinal diseases that are the result of disturbed interactions between the immune system, microbiotica of the intestine, and environmental inputs.

· 5 min read
CONDITION DOG Food Allergies in Dogs

Food allergies occur when the immune system overreacts to an ingested protein.

· 6 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Vomiting in Dogs

Vomiting is the involuntary expulsion of the contents of the stomach through the mouth and nose. It involves abdominal contractions and may produce bile.

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Enteritis and Gastroenteritis in Dogs

Enteritis refers to inflammation of the intestines, while gastroenteritis refers to inflammation of both the intestines and the stomach

· 5 min read
CONDITION DOG Gastrointestinal blockage (GI Foreign Body Obstruction) in Dogs

Gastrointestinal blockages most commonly occur when a dog swallows a large, indigestible object. As the object moves through the gastrointestinal tract, it encounters progressively smaller tubes. Eventually, it becomes stuck, and blocks the flow of intestinal contents.

· 9 min read
CONDITION DOG Gastritis in Dogs

Gastritis is a general term referring to inflammation of the stomach. A specific diagnosis of gastritis is rarely relevant because it does not identify the underlying condition.

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Motion Sickness in Dogs

Motion sickness (also known as car sickness) is when a dog shows signs of nausea and/or vomiting as a result of being in motion outside of their control.

· 4 min read

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