Smart product suggestions for easier prescribing

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Smart product suggestions for easier prescribing - A graphic of the article title alongside a screenshot of commonly suggested products for similar concerns

Please note, the smart recommendations feature is only available on web for US vets through VetsterRx ecommerce. It is not available on the Vetster for Vets mobile app at this time.

Our latest platform update aims to make it easier to navigate our robust catalog of prescription and non-prescription products available to US veterinarians using VetsterRx fulfilled by PetMedsⓇ.

Using our expansive database and machine learning, our system now produces smart product suggestions to make it easier to find and prescribe medications and OTC items for your clients. The feature helps to save time, while also surfacing products related to the symptoms or conditions of the animal, as well as related products of those you’re prescribing.

A screenshot displaying patient and client information in the Vetster app

How to use this feature: Smart product suggestions are one of the versatile prescribing tools available to US veterinarians using VetsterRx fulfilled by PetMedsⓇ. They appear on dog and cat appointments as seen in the image above. Clicking on a product suggestion will expand your search and display related items, enabling you to find and prescribe the exact medications, special diets, and OTC items you need quickly and easily.

How this feature works: Smart product suggestions appear based on the client’s chief complaint at time of booking.

Where do the recommendations come from? We use aggregated  prescribing data and machine learning to identify the top four Rx and OTC medications that may be related to the primary concern. Additionally, product recommendations may be made to provide additional support, such as special diets, medicated shampoos, and neutraceuticals. Read more about the VetsterRx workflow here.