Altered Gastric Noises (Stomach Growling) in Cats

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4 min read

Key takeaways

Gastric noises, called borborygmi, occur during normal digestion and are usually harmless. Any change in a cat's intestinal bacteria can alter the frequency and severity of gastric noises. Increased and decreased gut sounds may be observed with many conditions.

  • Normal gut noises in the absence of other symptoms do not require veterinary attention
  • If loud or absent gastric noises are accompanied by other symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, lack of appetite, and abdominal discomfort, a more serious condition may be present
  • Intestinal obstruction, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), gastric dilatation-volvulus syndrome (GDV), gastritis, enteritis, anaphylaxis, and metabolic diseases like hypothyroidism or liver disease can cause abnormal gut sounds, but other, more serious symptoms are expected in these cases
  • Blood tests, urinalysis, fecal analysis, and diagnostic imaging may be needed to diagnose abnormal gut sounds when more serious symptoms are also present
  • If an underlying condition is found or suspected, dietary changes, medications, hospitalization, and surgery may be prescribed depending on the cause
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A closer look: Altered Gastric Noises (Stomach Growling) in Cats

The stomach is a sac in the abdomen where food is broken down into a paste before it passes to the intestines for further digestion. Chewed food is broken down in the stomach by a combination of fluids (collectively referred to as ‘gastric juices’), and by the mechanical action of the stomach squeezing and relaxing to mix up its contents. The action of the stomach muscles jostling the stomach contents can sometimes be heard from outside the body.

Most instances of gastric noise in cats are normal and nothing to be concerned about. However, there may be something more serious going on if the borborygmi are accompanied by other symptoms.

The presence of these additional symptoms warrants immediate veterinary attention.

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Possible causes

Gastric noises are normal and expected as part of digestion. Some conditions are associated with changes in gut noises, but it is important to note these conditions are expected to present with other, more serious symptoms.

Risk factors

All cats are expected to have gastric noises as part of normal digestion. Any disease process that affects the GI tract or its supporting organs has the potential to alter digestion and gastric noises. Outdoor and unvaccinated cats in general are at higher risk of injury and infectious disease.

Altered gastric noises vary in severity from absence thereof with gastric stasis, to very loud and increased frequency with gastroenteritis, dietary indiscretion, and a number of other underlying causes. Diaphragmatic hernias can cause borborygmi to be heard from the chest, rather than the abdomen.

Testing and diagnosis

The first step for a veterinarian investigating the cause of altered gastric noises is a physical examination, including listening to the abdomen to determine the character, frequency, and location of bowel sounds.

Further diagnostics depend on what other symptoms are present and what is found during the exam and medical history. Depending on the specifics, additional tests may include

  • Blood tests, possibly including specialized tests
  • Urinalysis
  • Fecal examination
  • Diagnostic imaging

Endoscopy may be indicated, which may require referral to a specialist. Any tissue biopsies are usually taken during this procedure.

Treatment depends on the underlying cause. Examples of treatments:

  • Hospitalization with IV fluids and other supportive care
  • Dietary changes
  • Surgery
  • Medications

Similar symptoms

Normal gut sounds may be mistaken for excessive or abnormal gut sounds.

Associated symptoms

Gastric noises are expected to occur without any other symptoms in healthy cats.


Dr. Patty Khuly - Writing for Hill's Pet Nutrition
Dr. Eric Barchas - Writing for dogster
Melissa Boldan, DVM - Writing for PetMD
PetMD Editorial - Writing for PetMD
Valissitie Heeren, DVM; Lisa Edwards, DVM; Elisa M. Mazzaferro, MS, DVM, PhD, DACVECC - Writing for VetFolio

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