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Dog trauma and injury triage

Read our curated health and wellness articles about pets to help keep your loved ones healthy!
CONDITION DOG Limb Fractures in Dogs

Limb fractures (broken legs) are fairly common in dogs. There are different types of fractures, and combinations are possible and are required in treatment considerations. 

· 5 min read
CONDITION DOG Stroke (Cerebrovascular Accident) in Dogs

A stroke, or cerebrovascular accident in dogs (CVA), is when there is a loss of blood flow to part of the brain, which damages brain tissue. There are two mechanisms of stroke: obstruction (ischemic) or rupture (hemorrhagic) of the blood vessels of the brain; ischemic events are more common in dogs.

· 4 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Red or Spotted Gums (Petechiae or Ecchymosis) in Dogs

The color of a dog's gums is an indicator of general health. Healthy dogs have pink to light red gums; normal pigmentation can cause gums to appear darker in certain spots. 

· 3 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Gagging and Dry Heaves (Unproductive Vomiting) in Dogs

Gagging (retching), or dry heaving in dogs describes an active process that appears like the initial stages of vomiting. Gagging is either non-productive, or produces small amounts of white froth and bile.

· 3 min read
CONDITION DOG Electric Cord Bite Injury in Dogs

Injuries caused by biting electric cords occur when a dog chews through the protective sheath and the electricity either burns its mouth or enters its body. In some cases, the injuries are mild and local with symptoms including burns and singed hair around the mouth.

· 7 min read
CONDITION DOG Joint Infections (Septic Arthritis) in Dogs

Joint infections, or septic arthritis, occur when bacteria or fungi are introduced into the nutrient-rich joint fluid, resulting in an infection. In dogs, joint infections typically develop after a wound occurs over or near a joint, but can also occur due to widespread bacterial infection in the body or after joint injections.

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Atlantoaxial Instability in Dogs

Atlantoaxial instability (AAI) in dogs affects the first two neck bones in the spine: the atlas (vertebra C1) and axis (vertebra C2), which give the head and neck stability. Changes to the bone(s) or ligaments in these joints can cause instability, resulting in dislocation and spinal cord compression. 

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Brown Recluse Spider Bite Poisoning (Loxoscelism) in Dogs

The brown recluse spider (Loxosceles reclusa), is commonly found in the south central and southwestern United States. Envenomation by a brown recluse spider is also known as loxoscelism.

· 6 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Squinting (Blepharospasm) in Dogs

Squinting (blepharospasm) occurs when the eyelids are lowered so that there is only a small space for the eye to look out of. Squinting is considered a symptom in dogs if it continues for a prolonged period and is not related to protecting the eyes from bright light.

· 3 min read
CONDITION DOG Roars (Laryngeal Paralysis) in Dogs

Laryngeal Paralysis (LP) describes dysfunction of the nerves controlling the vocal folds in the throat. This paralysis leads to subsequent partial blockage of the windpipe in dogs.

· 5 min read
CONDITION DOG Masticatory Myositis in Dogs

Masticatory muscle myositis (MMM) is a condition in dogs where the immune system attacks the chewing muscles. Myositis is the term for inflammation of muscle tissue. The chewing muscles are on the top and sides of the head and are responsible for opening the mouth and chewing.

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Gastric Dilatation Volvulus: “Bloat” in Dogs

Gastric dilatation volvulus (GDV), commonly referred to as “bloat,” is a rapidly progressing, dangerous condition that results when the stomach twists on itself. GDV causes major blockage of blood flow to organs and requires immediate medical attention.

· 6 min read
CONDITION DOG Aural Hematoma in Dogs

An aural hematoma is a pocket of blood caught between layers of tissue on a dog’s ear. The cause is usually due to injury, including bite wounds, or damage caused by scratching or shaking the head too vigorously.

· 5 min read
CONDITION DOG Luxating Patellas in Dogs

Luxating patellas (LP) is a term for dislocation (luxation) of the kneecaps (patellas). LP is a moderately common condition and is seen most commonly in small breed dogs.

· 4 min read
CONDITION DOG Coonhound Paralysis (Polyradiculoneuritis) in Dogs

Polyradiculoneuritis (PRN), also known as coonhound paralysis, is a condition in dogs where the immune system attacks the nervous system resulting in inflammation of nerves, primarily in the legs. The cause of most forms of PRN is unknown, but coonhound paralysis is linked to a reaction to raccoon saliva.

· 5 min read
CONDITION DOG Frostbite in Dogs

Frostbite occurs when parts of the body freeze after prolonged exposure to cold temperatures. Severe cases cause death or damage to affected tissues in dogs. 

· 6 min read
CONDITION DOG Bone Cancer (Osteosarcoma) in Dogs

Osteosarcoma is the formation of a malignant tumor in the bones. It is a highly metastatic cancer with a median survival rate of 2-4 months without treatment and 8-12 months with treatment. This is the most common type of bone cancer in dogs and is most prominent in large breeds and older pets.

· 3 min read
CONDITION DOG Saddle Thrombus (Aortic Thrombosis) in Dogs

A saddle thrombus is when a large blood clot becomes lodged in the aorta, obstructing blood flow to the hind limbs in dogs. The aorta is a large artery which carries blood from the heart to the rest of the body

· 5 min read
CONDITION DOG Dropped Jaw (Trigeminal Neuropathy) in Dogs

Dropped jaw (trigeminal neuropathy) is a disorder of the cranial nerve that controls the movement and sensitivity of the jaw in dogs.  The characteristic symptom is the inability to close the mouth.

· 4 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Difficulty Walking (Ataxia) in Dogs

Ataxia describes abnormal movement control of the limbs and body. Dogs with ataxia present with poor coordination while walking, loss of balance, and often appear dizzy.

· 2 min read
CONDITION DOG Hypothermia in Dogs

Hypothermia is defined as lower than normal body temperature. Normal body temperature of dogs is 101-102°F (38.3-39°C). Body temps of below 98°F (36.7°C) are considered hypothermic.

· 4 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Blue (Cyanotic) Gums in Dogs

Cyanosis in dogs is the blue to purple discoloration of mucous membranes (particularly gums) and/or skin caused by poor oxygenation of the tissues. Cyanosis is a medical emergency as it is linked to potentially life-threatening heart and respiratory system conditions

· 2 min read
CONDITION DOG Cherry Eye (Third Eyelid Gland Prolapse) in Dogs

Dogs have a third eyelid, visible as a pink membrane mostly hidden under the inside corner of the eye. When the bulbous, dark pink gland of the third eyelid slips out of place and becomes visible, this is called a “cherry eye.” 

· 4 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Nasal Discharge in Dogs

Nasal discharge is any excretion or substance from the nose. Occasional nasal discharge is normal, especially when a dog is active.

· 4 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Limping (Lameness) in Dogs

Limping, also known as lameness, is when a dog is walking abnormally, unevenly, or with difficulty.

· 3 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Weakness in Dogs

Weakness is a symptom where dogs move slowly, struggle to rise from rest, are reluctant to exercise, and sometimes have muscle shaking.

· 2 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Anal Scooting in Dogs

Anal scooting describes the behavior of a dog when it drags its rear end across the floor; usually characterized as sitting, lifting hind legs, and using anterior legs to drag the body forward while the anus area drags on the floor

· 2 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Pale Gums in Dogs

Pale gums are when the normal pink color of the gums turns pale or white, usually due to a serious underlying health problem.

· 3 min read
SYMPTOM DOG Rapid Breathing (Tachypnea) in Dogs

Rapid breathing (also called tachypnea, polypnea, or shortness of breath) is characterized by sustained periods of short, frequent breaths.

· 3 min read
CONDITION DOG Difficulty Delivering Puppies (Dystocia) in Dogs

Difficulty whelping (delivering puppies) is known as dystocia. Dark green discharge from the vulva is a normal sign of labor,

· 1 min read

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