Vet Spotlight: Exotics and companion animal vet, Dr. Pakes, finds virtual care incredibly satisfying

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Vet Spotlight: Exotics and companion animal vet, Dr. Pakes, finds virtual care incredibly satisfying  - Vetster

Meet Dr. Deborah Pakes, a veterinarian with 17 years of experience in caring for a wide variety of species. Dr. Pakes helps pet parents on Vetster with their cats, dogs, pocket pets, amphibians, and reptiles. One of our top-rated vets, she is adored by her clients with glowing 5 star reviews. We couldn’t be more thrilled to feature her this month and share her experiences.

“I really appreciate all the kind 5 star reviews from clients expressing their satisfaction and gratitude. It makes the work very gratifying.”

Dr Pakes standing in front of the Grand Canyon

When did you first become interested in being a vet?

I always loved animals, and the natural environment. I had pets growing up and loved to spend time out in nature. I completed a general biology undergraduate degree and then a masters degree in zoology, but wasn't really sure what I wanted to do. What I did know is that I didn't want to be a "people" doctor like most of my family members. I met some veterinarians while I was doing my masters degree, socially (as I happen to be at a University with a vet school), and that got me interested in the field. It seemed like the perfect mix of my love of science, animals and nature!

Dr Pakes sitting in the grass with her dog

When did you take interest in treating exotics? How does telehealth specifically help this market?

I had a pet snake when I was a child. We had cats and dogs as well but I guess I wanted my own pet so that I was involved more directly with their care, as well as being able to pick it up.  Telehealth is great for this specific market since a lot of the issues we see can be solved with improved husbandry. Being able to see the animals' enclosures and environments is often key to fixing underlying issues that might have led to illness. You can't get as much information when owners bring them in person, and you don't see their set up at home.

Dr Pakes sitting in front of some lambs

What is your favorite part about using Vetster?

My favorite aspects about Vetster are the convenience the platform provides to clients and to myself in working from home, as well as the positive feedback I receive. As veterinarians, we work really hard and put in a lot of effort for owners and patients, however, we don't get feedback as often or see our direct impact. Vetster’s ratings and review system allows for this. I really appreciate all the kind 5 star reviews from clients expressing their satisfaction and gratitude. It makes the work very satisfying.

I also enjoy reassuring people who are really worried about their pets. Some clients come in very upset and anxious. Seeing them express their relief after our conversations that put their minds at ease is very rewarding, as is providing them with answers and solutions to their problems.

Dr Pakes riding a horse

Please share some helpful advice to other vets interested in virtual care.

Get familiar with what is available at human pharmacies so that clients can get access to medication they need right away. I started providing telemedicine during the pandemic when clinics were closed, so I didn't have much of a choice but to use human pharmacies which were able to remain open. I also have the advantage of in-house consultation (my husband is a human doctor) so he helped me to become familiar with medications that are available at regular pharmacies. VIN is a good resource to see what human meds are out there for us vets to reach for if clients need something right away.

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