Signs and treatment of urinary tract infections in kittens

Disclaimer: This article, its content, and its related references do not constitute veterinary advice and should not be considered a substitute for veterinary care. If your pet is showing any symptoms that could indicate a medical emergency, please seek immediate emergency care.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are uncommon in otherwise healthy kittens, so clinical signs such as frequent urination, straining to urinate, bloody urine, or urinating small amounts are more often associated with other forms of feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD), some of which require emergency care. If your kitten is showing signs of poor urinary health, read on to learn:
- How kittens get UTIs
- Symptoms of urinary tract disease in kittens
- How urinary issues are diagnosed and treated in kittens
- When urinary symptoms are a veterinary emergency
FLUTD is a broad term encompassing a number of different urinary tract issues, such as feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC), bladder stones, UTIs, and urethral obstruction, which all require different treatment, even though they share common symptoms. It’s important for cat owners to keep an eye on their kitten’s urinary habits to be able to quickly identify any changes and to see a vet for an accurate diagnosis and an effective treatment plan. A physical exam, urinalysis, urine culture, and diagnostic imaging may be recommended when a kitten presents with urinary symptoms. Bacterial UTIs are an uncommon form of FLUTD and the only type for which antibiotics are recommended.
What is a urinary tract infection?
Urinary tract infections (UTI) occur when an infectious agent enters and becomes established in part of the urinary tract. While they can be caused by any number of infectious agents and can affect any part of the lower urinary tract, UTIs are usually bacterial infections in the bladder. Most UTIs in cats are not rapidly life-threatening but can be uncomfortable.
Are UTIs common in kittens?
UTIs are uncommon in otherwise healthy adult cats and kittens. Most cats with UTIs are seniors or have had previous urinary tract or other underlying health issues. Other types of feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) have similar symptoms and are more common in young cats. These include:
- Feline idiopathic cystitis (FIC)
- Bladder stones
- Urinary obstruction
- Congenital abnormalities of the bladder, urethra, kidneys, or ureters
Congenital defects of the urinary tract are rare in cats.
FIC is the most common urinary tract disease in otherwise healthy cats under the age of ten. FIC is inflammation of the bladder without any type of infection. The condition is believed to occur in association with stress and problems with the nerves and the bladder lining. Clinical signs include:
- Episodes of straining to urinate
- Spending a lot of time in the litter box
- Bloody urine that seems to come and go for no apparent reason
What factors can increase the risk of UTIs in kittens?
UTIs in cats under the age of ten are rare, especially in kittens. However, there are some risk factors that can make it more likely for a kitten to develop an infection. While rare, congenital defects in the structure of the urinary tract can interfere with normal emptying of the bladder, creating an environment where bacteria can thrive. Defects are rare, but the most common include ectopic ureters and urachal remnants.
Ectopic ureter: Urine normally flows from the kidney to the bladder via a tube called a ureter. Healthy cats have two ureters, one for each kidney. An abnormally located (ectopic) ureter may deliver urine from the kidney directly to the urethra, downstream from the bladder. This bypasses the urethral sphincter, which is the muscle responsible for holding urine in the bladder, and results in the ongoing, uncontrolled trickling of urine out of the body. This can contribute to ongoing UTIs.
Urachal remnant: Before a kitten is born, urine passes through the urachus along with blood vessels through the belly button (umbilicus). This passageway usually seals up after birth, but if it doesn’t, urine may dribble out from the belly button. The opening provides an abnormal route for bacteria to enter the bladder and cause an infection.
Urinary obstruction from urinary stones or damage to the urethra can increase the risk for an infection by limiting normal urine flow. Kittens with a weak immune system from feline leukemia virus (FeLV), feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), or other infectious disease may be less able to fight off bacterial infections. Spinal cord issues, such as Manx syndrome, may impair a kitten’s ability to fully empty their bladder. Finally, kittens may have poor bladder function and chronic urinary retention as a result of living somewhere they cannot urinate frequently, such as in overcrowded conditions, which may also increase the likelihood of a UTI developing.
Common symptoms of lower urinary tract disease in kittens
Most urinary tract conditions, including UTIs, have similar clinical signs. A diagnosis cannot be made based on clinical signs alone. Common signs of all types of FLUTD in kittens include:
- Blood in urine
- Frequent urination, often in small amounts
- Urinating outside of the litter box
- Straining to urinate
- Overgrooming or licking the genitals
- Damp or matted fur around the groin
- Painful urination or vocalizing while urinating
Unproductively straining to urinate is a medical emergency that needs immediate veterinary attention. This may indicate a partial or complete urethral obstruction that prevents the passage of urine from the bladder out of the body. Most urethral obstructions occur without infection. It can be difficult to tell if the efforts of a straining kitten are productive or not, especially if the kitten is only producing small amounts of urine at a time. It can also be difficult to differentiate straining to urinate from straining to defecate, so it’s best to be safe and seek emergency veterinary care if you’re unsure.
Prompt veterinary care is recommended if your kitten is showing signs of poor urinary tract health, even if they are producing urine. Early intervention typically leads to better outcomes in all types of urinary disorders, including UTIs.
Tips for early recognition of UTI symptoms in kittens
“Because early intervention is so important, recognizing symptoms of UTIs and other urinary problems in kittens is essential in getting them prompt veterinary help,” states Dr. Jo Myers, a veterinarian on the Vetster platform.
Clean your kitten’s litter box daily to familiarize yourself with their normal habits and to help you notice changes quickly. Visiting the litter box more than usual, spending more time in the box, and vocalizing while urinating may indicate a problem.
Urinating outside of the litter box can also point to poor urinary tract health. UTIs and other types of FLUTD often cause increased urgency and discomfort, which may cause inappropriate urination around the home. It’s common for cats with FLUTD to urinate in the sink or bathtub. Urine may be bloody. and drops of blood may be seen around the home from cats with a urinary disease.
Finally, take note of any unusual behaviors. Excessive licking of the genitals, hiding, sleeping more than usual, and a loss of appetite can also be early indicators of FLUTD.
Diagnosis and treatment options for urinary issues in kittens
When a kitten presents with common signs of FLUTD, a veterinarian typically starts with a physical exam. If the kitten has a urinary obstruction, the overly full bladder may feel like a firm ball. The affected kitten may also show signs of pain during the examination. In some cases, the genitalia may be red, swollen, or crusty.
A urinalysis is usually necessary to fully understand the cause of the kitten’s urinary symptoms. Abnormal findings in a urine test may include:
- Blood in the urine
- Abnormal urine pH
- High concentration of urinary crystals
- White blood cells in the urine
- Evidence of kidney damage
- Excessively dilute urine
- Presence of bacteria in the urine sample
Identifying bacteria in a urine sample doesn’t always mean there’s an infection. A urine sample can easily be contaminated with outside bacteria during collection. Because of this, it’s common for a vet or technician to use a small needle to collect urine directly from the bladder (cystocentesis). This process is generally well tolerated by cats and kittens. A urine bacterial culture to observe bacterial growth is often necessary to confirm a diagnosis of bacterial UTI.
UTIs are rare in healthy kittens, so the symptoms are much more likely to be caused by another medical issue that isn’t treated with antibiotics. It’s common to start with treatment for FIC, since that’s the most common reason for urinary symptoms in an otherwise healthy kitten. Additional diagnostic testing may be recommended, such as:
- X-rays or ultrasound
- Blood tests, including testing for infectious diseases
Bacterial UTIs are treated with antibiotics and symptomatic care, such as pain management. Medical treatment for other types of FLUTD varies depending on the diagnosis. It’s inadvisable to put a kitten with urinary symptoms on antibiotics without confirmation of a bacterial infection because UTIs are so uncommon in otherwise healthy kittens.
Is a UTI in a kitten an emergency?
UTIs are not usually an emergency for kittens. However, UTIs share symptoms with other severe urinary tract disorders that are emergencies, such as a urinary obstruction. It’s best to seek prompt attention from a vet for an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.
Unproductive urination and straining to urinate are considered emergency symptoms. In these cases, seek immediate emergency care, even if you’re unsure if your kitten is producing urine or not.
If you’re unsure if your kitten’s urinary habits are normal, a virtual vet appointment is a great way to get professional veterinary advice. Some forms of FLUTD tend to recur, so ongoing support from a virtual veterinarian can be helpful in preventing flare-ups.
FAQ - Signs and treatment of urinary tract infections in kittens
How do I know if my kitten has a UTI?
UTIs are rare in otherwise healthy kittens, so signs such as frequent urination, bloody urine, signs of pain while urinating, and urinating outside the litter box are usually due to something else. Identification of disease-causing bacteria in a urine sample by way of a urinalysis and/or urine culture is necessary to confirm if a kitten has a UTI. If your kitten is showing signs of poor urinary health, a vet visit is warranted.
Can a kitten recover from a UTI without antibiotics?
Most UTIs in cats require antibiotics for treatment, as the majority of UTIs are bacterial bladder infections. It’s best to seek prompt veterinary care for treatment to relieve uncomfortable symptoms and prevent the infection from getting worse. However, antibiotics are rarely indicated for a kitten showing urinary symptoms, such as straining to urinate, frequent urination, and bloody urine, because it’s rare for the underlying cause to be a UTI.
Can I treat my kitten’s UTI at home?
Home treatments for urinary conditions in cats are unlikely to be helpful. They also delay proper care and may be dangerous. In addition, many other, more common urinary problems in kittens have similar symptoms to UTIs and are treated differently. Antibiotics are rarely indicated for otherwise healthy kittens with urinary symptoms, such as frequent straining to urinate and bloody urine. It’s best to get a proper diagnosis from a veterinarian in order to receive effective treatment for the cause of your kitten’s symptoms.