Horse health symptoms

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SYMPTOM HORSE Diarrhea in Horses

Diarrhea in horses is stool that contains more than the usual amount of water, ranging in consistency from loose “cow plop” defecation to projectile defecation of mostly liquid.

· 5 min read
SYMPTOM HORSE Difficulty Breathing (Dyspnea) in Horses

Dyspnea is difficulty breathing. In horses, it is characterized by an increased effort to breathe, usually evident in the character, rate, and rhythm of respiration.

· 3 min read
SYMPTOM HORSE Difficulty Swallowing (Dysphagia) in Horses

Dysphagia is characterized by a difficulty or inability to swallow. In horses, dysphagia is a symptom caused by a vast range of diseases and conditions. In general, it is caused by difficulty getting food into the mouth, chewing it, or moving feed from the mouth into the stomach

· 4 min read
SYMPTOM HORSE Dilated Pupils (Mydriasis) in Horses

Dilated pupils (also referred to as mydriasis) describes when the hole in the middle of the iris of the eye is very large. Pupils normally change size in reaction to light changes or a particular emotional state such as anxiety or excitement. 

· 3 min read
SYMPTOM HORSE Dropping Feed and Difficulty Chewing (Quidding) in Horses

Quidding is the term used for when horses drop feed from their mouths while they are chewing, or leave balls of partially chewed hay or other food behind in their feed buckets. Typically the cause is dental issues including sharp or broken teeth, abscesses, or foreign objects stuck in the mouth.

· 3 min read

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