Join over 1 million pet parents on Vetster
Get 24/7 licensed vet care, unlimited live chat support, personalized treatment plans and prescriptions where available.
Vetster Plus
With a full year of Vetster Plus, we’re here anytime you need us.
Only Vetster lets you choose the veterinarian who will treat your pet
More great benefits included with Vetster:
Pet parents say it best
Vetster Plus is your all-in-one pet health subscription
Get 24/7 licensed vet care, unlimited live chat support, personalized treatment plans and prescriptions where available.
Find the right vet for your pet
Browse vet profiles and read reviews from other pet parents.
Access expert care 24/7
Instant chat with a veterinary professional or book a video call - all from the comfort of home.
Get a prescription online
Access to hundreds of medications with VetsterRx. Order online or pick up from your local pharmacy.
Why you’ll love it
Connect with a veterinary professional by live chat or video call
Stop stressing about your pet’s health. Talk to a veterinary professional via live chat or video and get expert advice tailored to your pet 24/7.
Choose the veterinarian that’s right for you
Only Vetster has thousands of top-rated, licensed vets so you can choose the one that’s best for you and your pet.
Keep tabs on your pet’s health
Vetster stores all your pet’s health info in one place so you can keep track of appointment history, your pet’s weight, medical records, lab reports, and photos.
Predictable pricing for your unpredictable pet
Get professional care when you need it with transparent, upfront pricing that makes pet care costs easy, accessible, and stress-free.
Vetster and Humi have teamed up to expand access to veterinary care, ensuring that more pets receive the health support they need. Together, we are dedicated to improving pet health outcomes, recognizing the vital role it plays in the well-being of pets and their families.
Vetster Plus gives you access to virtual appointments with a licensed veterinarian and unlimited live chat with a certified veterinary professional for help with pet health, behaviour, nutrition, urgent advice (and more) at an affordable cost.
Vetster Plus is just $11.49/month. Your subscription includes access to virtual vet appointments and unlimited live chat with a certified veterinary professional.
Vetster Plus was designed to protect all your pets with 4 video appointments included annually, plus unlimited live chat. This benefit can be shared by any pet in your home.
Billing for your Vetster Plus subscription occurs annually (once per year)
By choosing a subscription, you commit to a minimum timeframe that your pet can receive Vetster services. You may cancel your subscription at any time, but your membership must be canceled before it renews in order to avoid the next billing cycle.
*Products, shipping and related fees are not included in Vetster Plus subscriptions. Terms and Conditions